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Moving and Photovoltaics: Towards a Sustainable Future | Multitanks

Moving and Photovoltaics: Towards a Sustainable Future | Multitanks

Categories : Latest news

Hello everyone, dear readers, and welcome to our new workspace! On May 9th, we reached an important milestone in the history of our company by moving into our new premises. Today we are pleased to present you in pictures this magnificent building of 1130m ², new, bright, and especially endowed with a particularity that is close to our hearts: a photovoltaic energy production system.

Understanding photovoltaic energy

Photovoltaic energy is a clean, renewable energy source that converts solar energy into electricity. But how exactly does this process work?

Photovoltaic solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells that absorb the sun's rays. These cells are made of semiconductor materials, usually silicon, which release electrons when exposed to light. This is called the photovoltaic effect. The released electrons then generate a direct current which is transformed into alternating current by an inverter. This current can then be used to power electrical appliances or be returned to the power grid.

Photovoltaic power generation varies depending on several factors, including the intensity of sunlight, the angle of inclination and orientation of the panels, and temperature. That's why solar panels are typically installed on rooftops, facing south and angled at an optimal angle to capture maximum sunlight.

A promising first energy balance

It is with pride and optimism that we make the first assessment of our photovoltaic production since the commissioning of our installation on May 5, 2023. In just 50 days, we produced 31 MWh of electricity, reducing our CO2 emissions by almost 31 tonnes.

To put these numbers in perspective, a reduction of 31 tons of CO2 is comparable to the absorption of carbon dioxide by about 1550 trees for an entire year. It is also the equivalent of the CO2 emission of a car that would have traveled nearly 200,000 km. In other words, we have taken a giant step forward in our commitment to a greener future.

Premises designed for eco-responsibility

Our move to these new premises is not a coincidence. It is part of our overall approach to integrating the principles of sustainable development at the heart of our activities. With a total surface area of 1130m², we have a more spacious and comfortable workspace, thought and designed to optimize energy efficiency.

The great novelty is of course our photovoltaic installation. By choosing to invest in solar energy, we have chosen clean, renewable and inexhaustible energy. This decision reflects our belief that every company has a role to play in the energy transition, and that the switch to renewable energy is not only necessary, but also economically viable.

A bright future under the sun

These first 50 days of photovoltaic production exceeded our expectations. We are aware that this performance is partly due to the season, which is favourable to solar production. Nevertheless, these results are very encouraging and confirm the relevance of our choice.

If we continue this momentum, our photovoltaic installation could cover a significant part of our energy needs and contribute to reducing our carbon footprint significantly. This first positive assessment encourages us to explore other ways to strengthen our environmental commitment.


In conclusion, our move and the results of our first steps in photovoltaic energy production are a source of pride and optimism for us. They score

The tangible realization of our commitment to an eco-responsible approach, and the beginning of a new chapter in the history of our company.

However, it is essential to stress that photovoltaic energy is not a panacea. It is part of a set of solutions needed to address the energy and environmental challenges of our time. Our goal is to integrate solar energy into a broader and more diversified energy strategy, complementing the other energy efficiency measures we have implemented in our new premises.

In short, the success of these first steps pushes us to look further. We are already considering investing more in renewable energy and implementing more sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. It's a big challenge, but we are confident that with the commitment and enthusiasm of our team, we are well on our way to building a more environmentally friendly future.

Beyond these encouraging results, we are aware that the road to sustainability is long and challenging. Yet we are determined to walk through it with determination, because we are convinced that it is by making bold choices and investing in green technologies that we will help build a better world for future generations.

Finally, we would like to thank our employees, partners and customers who support us in this process. Your trust and commitment are our greatest motivation. We look forward to sharing with you the next steps on our journey to a greener future.

We believe that each of us has a role to play in the transition to a more sustainable future. If you were inspired by our approach and would like to know more, or if you want to contribute in your own way to the protection of our planet, here are some suggestions:

  • Share this article: Education is a key element of the ecological transition. By sharing this article on your social media, you can help raise awareness among more people about the importance of renewable energy and its potential.

  • Give us your opinion: We would like to hear your thoughts on our approach. Do you have any suggestions or questions? Your opinion matters to us. Feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.

Together, we can make a difference and help build a greener future. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.

We hope this article has given you an insight into our commitment to sustainability. Thank you for reading and see you soon for new eco-responsible adventures!

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